Duke’s RAM Clinic
We provide comprehensive, preventative, and routine care through our medical, dental, and vision bays in order to alleviate pain and improve community health in Granville-Vance County and surrounding areas.
Who We Are
RAM was established in 1985 and has hosted clinics across the nation with the help of various Community Host Groups just like Duke. However, RAM had never held a clinic in NC. Duke RAM brought the first-ever RAM clinic to NC in May 2022 where we served 150 patients with $150,000 worth of free care. In our second year, we served 230 patients with $186,000 worth of free care.
What We Do
For many patients, our clinic is the first time they see a medical professional in years. To accommodate this need, our volunteers provide a range of services, including full tooth extractions, dental cleanings, general physical exams, cholesterol screenings, eye health exams, and prescription glasses, which are given to patients the same day. At our most recent 2023 clinic, we performed 92 full tooth extractions and distributed 140 pairs of prescription glasses. Many children received medical exams for the first time.
Our Impact
Supported by TNHF in 2023, Duke RAM hosted its 2nd annual free pop-up clinic at VCS. Over 2 days, 190 volunteers served 230 patients and provided $186,000 in free medical, dental, and vision care. 48% of our patients were African American, 20% were Hispanic, 79% did not complete a college degree, 31% were unemployed, and 64% had neither dental nor vision insurance. 8 patients traveled as far as Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia to receive care.